
  1. Getting familiar with the data, reading and rereading interview transcripts
  2. Coding/Labeling the whole text
    • What is this incident/anecdote about?
    • What category does this incident/anecdote indicate?
    • What property of what category does this incident/anecdote/attitude define?
    • “What is the ‘main concern’ of the participants?
  3. Searching for themes with broader patterns of meaning
  4. Reviewing themes to make sure they fit the data.
  5. Defining and naming themes.
  6. Putting together a write-up (a narrative that included quotes from the interviewees)

  1. Categorize questions by themes
  2. Separate survey data into separate sheets by themes
  3. Organize and clean data
  4. Vizualize data using graphs

  1. Print the pilot plans for each participating school
  2. Read through plans to get a sense of common themes
  3. Develop codes for data accordingly
    • Who or what is the reason for you are here?
    • Who or what is the pilot targeted to?
    • Occurence of themes around equity and accessibility
    • Occurence of themes around student choice, student voice, student ownership, etc.
    • Prior knowledge of personalized learning
  4. Vizualize data using graphs